Inspire Recovery

Inspire Recovery
Business Address
909 N Dixie Hwy
Business City/State/Zip
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Business Phone Number
(561) 899-6088
Business Website Address
What We Do

A Creative Safe Space for the LGBTQ Community in Recovery


Inspire Recovery takes a creative approach to treating addiction for the LGBTQ community. Through evidence based treatment with art, writing & music, combined with our one-on-one and group therapy schedule, we focus on maintaining a safe space for personal expression at our LGBTQ drug alcohol rehab.


Our team and our LGBTQ drug & alcohol rehab program are designed to enrich the emotional health and well-being of our clients. We foster and cultivate a sense of peace and happiness that is possible in recovery. We combine a 12 Step approach with responsive coaching, with an emphasis on functional medicine that includes an on-site nutritionist and weekly meditations. With open minds, new and emerging methods in the field of treating addiction and alcoholism are considered to give our clients all the tools available to make lasting changes in their lives for the better.


To inspire a better life, our program nurtures the mindset and skills needed to succeed in the world and provides opportunities for our clients to build foundation for a solid road in recovery. Addiction is a challenging condition to overcome, but with the help of dedicated professionals and the support of a strong community, people are congregating in order to do together what can?t be done alone.


Our treatment center strives to inspire clients to find their passions in life, whether that be discovering a beautiful hobby, a life-long pursuit or perhaps the loving empathy and compassion to help others on their paths to recovery. In encouraging self-expression through the arts, Inspire Recovery seeks to provide a voice and a vocabulary to explore introspection and learn about personal growth. In treating our clients as whole and complete individuals, attention is paid to the multi-faceted dynamic nature of individual personalities that make up our LGBTQ community.

Contact Name
George Lydon

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