Business Consulting & Planning

Greater Lantana Chamber of Commerce
Business City/State/Zip
Lantana, FL 33462
Business Phone Number
Business Website Address
What We Do

We help small business owners and professionals to get things done.The Greater Lantana Chamber of Commerce strives to promote business, government, economic and environmental issues in our community and surrounding areas. Our Chamber works diligently to support and promote all of our members. We work helping our Chamber members’ network to promote their businesses and their positions in the community. The Greater Lantana Chamber of Commerce gives you the opportunity to highlight your business by sponsoring a luncheon, an after-hours business card exchange or by getting involved with one of our festivities or tournaments. We are a very strong networking group.

Contact Name
Lee Bersch
OEBO Office of Equal Business Opportunity
Business City/State/Zip
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Business Phone Number
What We Do

Mission and Purpose
The Mission of the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEBO) is to ensure that all local small businesses have an equitable opportunity to participate in the County's procurement process.  Our purpose is to work with all County departments to provide support and technical assistance while promoting the economic growth, expansion and increased productivity of all small, minority, women-owned business enterprises in accordance with the established ordinance, policies and guidelines.




Contact Name
Antonia Smith