Natasha Watkinson, M.Ed, NCC, LMHC is a Board Certified, Licensed Psychotherapist trained in London, UK, and South Florida. Natasha focuses on the treatment of the whole person; taking into account mental, physical, and environmental factors. Her Telehealth practice welcomes individuals of all ages (16+), genders, sexual orientations, and cultures who are experiencing a variety of mental health concerns.
Find out what’s really on your child’s mind
Contact Sally for psychological-educational assessments including for Gifted, Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Autism Spectrum, School Neuropsychological and Developmental.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Palm Beach County (NAMI PBC) is a nonprofit, volunteer-run organization dedicated to providing education, support and advocacy, with the goal to empower individuals living with mental illness and their families, and to eliminate the associated stigma.