
Mathews Brewing Company
Business City/State/Zip
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Business Phone Number
(561) 812-3738
Business Website Address
What We Do

Mathews Brewing Company is an independent craft brewery located in the City of Lake Worth’s new Artisanal District. The brewery is Lake Worth’s first brewery and is owned and operated by David Mathews.
The brewery has a 3-vessel brewhouse, consisting of a 10 bbl boil kettle, 15 bbl mash tun, and 15 bbl lauter tun. The fermentation tanks consist of five (5) 20 bbl tanks and one (1) 10 bbl tank. The brite tanks consist of three (3) 20 bbl tanks and one (1) 10 bbl tank. The brew house is heated using a steam boiler and cooling of the wort using a glycol chiller system.

The brewery is also automated with an instrumentation and control system. The brew house can produce 20 bbl’s of beer in a 10-hour shift or equivalent to 620 gallons of beer.

Contact Name
David Mathews