Media Kit

Event Assets

Current Event Graphics and Assets
Silent Auction Acquisition Form
Printable Compass Flyers
Mr. and Miss Palm Beach Pride Pageant Media Kit
World AIDS Day Media Kit

Media Guidelines

Click to see Media Guidelines

Compass Sponsor Packets

Compass Programs -
Stonewall Ball
Cocktails for Compass
Palm Beach Pride


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Full Color Square Logo
Black Square Logo
White Square Logo

Right click the logo and select “Save Image As..."

Please contact [email protected] if you require alternate formats or versions of any of the above logos. 


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Program Recognition Specifications

(formerly Program Ads Specs)
Click to see Program Recognition Specifications

Quick Facts

Board Chair
Nicholas Coppola

Julie Seaver

Our Vision
Compass will be a collaborative leader in creating a safe, healthy, inclusive, equitable, and affirming community for all LGBTQ people and those impacted by HIV and AIDS. We will engage the individual and collective strengths of our community and its allies to promote and develop leadership, unity and pride. We will connect the community through diverse communications, vibrant programs, essential education and resources, and creating opportunities for our community to be seen and heard.

Our Mission
Compass' mission is to engage, empower and enrich the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people and those impacted by HIV and AIDS.

Social Media

When promoting Compass use the following handles:

@CompassCenter -

@CompassCenter -

@CompassLGBTQ -

@Compass Community Center -


HIV Services - For 35 years, Compass has provided medical and non-medical case management services for people impacted by HIV and AIDS. The program assists clients in identifying appropriate service options by providing guidance and instructions with documents to ease the process to obtain medical assistance.

HIV Prevention and Education - In addition to our Health Services Department, the Compass HIV Prevention Team helps educate the public on how to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. This team works closely with case management to assist clients in entering care with support and consideration of clients needs. Currently, the case management team serves over 400 individuals annually in Palm Beach County.

Youth Program - For over three decades, Compass has provided a safe space for youth in Palm Beach County. Compass provides social support, community service, arts & cultural activities, educational, and leadership opportunities. We strive to ensure all youth in Palm Beach County are safe from discrimination and harassment, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Thousands of youth and their families have accessed services through our Youth program since its inception, making it one of the longest running and largest youth programs in the southeast United States.

Mental Health Services - Compass envisions a community where everyone has access to the support needed to live a vibrant, fulfilling life. Our Mental Health program offers individual, group, and community-based services specialized to support the wellbeing of the LGBTQ+ community and people living with HIV. Through our Mental Health Collaborative, we also strengthen the community of mental health professionals supporting our community in Palm Beach County.

Pride Business Alliance - The Pride Business Alliance is a network of LGBTQ+ and Ally owned businesses in Palm Beach County and South Florida. We invite all accepting business/organizations/individuals who are seeking to build relationships with other like-minded people to join. We host a monthly business mixer at different member establishments throughout the county. Each year, we produce a Compass Pride Directory which lists all of our members in it. This is THE business directory for the LGBTQ+ community in Palm Beach County

Community and Signature Events - Compass is part of a diverse, compassionate and supportive community. As part of our mission to to decrease the stigma of  LGBTQ people, we host several major events throughout the year that aim to increase pride and acceptance both within, and outside of, the community.

      • Palm Beach Pride Pageant - February
      • Palm Beach Pride - March
      • The Stonewall Ball - June
      • Summertime Madness - July
      • The Joy Ride - November
      • World AIDS Day and Memorial Quilt - December
      • Cocktails for Compass - December


Please contact our Communications Department at (561) 533-9699 or email [email protected].